Maryland Homeschool Law: How is it actually applied?

When I began contemplating homeschooling a couple of years ago, I started by reading my state’s legal regulation about homeschooling. I also was quickly made aware the HSDLA fear-mongering about school officials just itching to catch homeschooling families in some legal loophole. So, in trying to follow the Maryland homeschool law, I soon realized that several of the stipulations do not make sense and could be interpreted many different ways.
I am not a lawyer and have never been involved in a legal battle of any sort (aside from a speeding ticket several years ago). I just thought I would write a series of articles about how Maryland’s homeschool regulations have played out in my home education experience and how I have interpreted the laws. Leave me a comment if you have had similar or totally different experiences in this state. If you don’t live in Maryland, you might still have similar regulations to deal with and I would love to hear about your experiences in the comments. I have been reading many other states’ homeschool laws and find it fascinating to see the wide variety that exists across the U.S.
My series on Dissecting Homeschool Law includes: